Sustainability Committee

On Wednesday, November 30th, the Sustainability Committee hosted as guest speaker Rosaura Gonzalez Marcos, Presidenta del Instituto de Gobierno Corporativo who spoke about "Gobierno Corporativo, fundamento de la sostenibilidad empresarial y la competitividad responsable" 


Trade & Investment - Transportation & Logistics Committee

On Wednesday, November 30th, the Trade & Investment and Transportation & Logistics Committees hosted as guest speaker Dr. Donald Ratliff - Executive Director – Georgia Tech Panama Logistics Innovation and Research Center Partner – Supply Chain Ventures, LLC who spoke about “Digital Connectivity and the Future of Supply Chains & Logistics” 


Legislation & Taxation Committee

On Thursday, December 1st, the Legislation & Taxation Committee hosted as guest speakers Fernando Alfaro - Director - Registro Público de la República de Panamá and Darma Romero - Jefa de Intercambio de Información Tributaria de la Dirección General de Ingresos who spoke about “Análisis sobre la Ley. No.52 de 27 de octubre de 2016 mediante la cual se establece la obligación de mantener registros contables a sociedades panameñas offshore y otras medidas”


Real Estate Committee

On Friday, December 2nd, the Real Estate Committee hosted as guest speaker Luis G. Pernett - Consultor en Cultura Organizacional - CBRE who spoke about "Cultura del Bienestar como ventaja competitiva en las Organizaciones"


Energy Committee

On Tuesday, December 6th, the Energy Committee hosted as guest speaker Ing. Harold A. Hernández R. Commercial Manager - UEP Penonomé II, S.A who spoke about “Parque Eólico Laudato Sí (Penonomé)”