Panama Calls for Balance in Tax Cooperation and Development Financing

-May 24th, 2017
Source: PR Newswire

The Government of Panama, in partnership with the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), today organized a high-level side event at the United Nations titled "Financing, Tax Cooperation and Transparency: A Balancing Act for Developing Countries" featuring Panama's Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs Isabel de Saint Malo, Finance Minister Dulcidio de la Guardia, Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations Amina J. Mohammed, Chief of the ECLAC'S economic division Daniel Titleman, and Director of the OECD's Centre for Tax Policy and Administration Pascal Saint-Amans.

During the event, the Panamanian Vice President highlighted the need to strike a balance that takes into account the different economic characteristics of each country and the need to ensure financial transparency, while protecting the resources that fund Sustainable Development Goals. "Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is widely recognized as a pivotal source of funding for the Addis Ababa Agenda, and developing countries need to have the tools to attract it. Substantial, well-implemented tax incentives can be one of those tools," said Vice President Isabel de Saint Malo during the event. She also emphasized that Panama has met all transparency standards and that the President Varela Administration continues to work relentlessly to comply with international expectations.

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Culmina la visita de GAFILAT a Panamá

-26 de Mayo de 2017
Fuente: Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas

El Grupo de Acción Financiera de Latinoamérica (GAFILAT) culminó hoy la visita in situ a Panamá, como parte del proceso de evaluación en base a la Cuarta Ronda de Evaluación Mutua. Durante el proceso los representantes de GAFILAT evaluaron los avances del país en la implementación y efectividad de las nuevas medidas para la prevención del blanqueo de capitales, financiamiento del terrorismo y el financiamiento de la proliferación de armas de destrucción masiva.

En su reunión de cierre entre las autoridades y los miembros de GAFILAT se señaló el alto compromiso del país para enfrentar los riesgos del lavado de activos y el financiamiento del terrorismo.

La Ministra Encargada de Economía y Finanzas, Eyda Varela de Chinchilla hizo referencia al compromiso de las instituciones que componen el régimen de prevención, investigación y justicia y de los distintos sectores de la economía.

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Mejorarán controles en los puertos del país

-1 de Junio, 2017
Fuente: Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias

El Consejo Económico Nacional (CENA) aprobó a la Autoridad Nacional de Aduanas una solicitud de procedimiento excepcional por B/.810,129.53, para que suscriba con la empresa Inmaquip Panamá la prestación del servicio de mantenimiento del sistema de portales de radiación fijos para los puertos de Balboa, Manzanillo (MIT), Cristóbal y Colón Container Terminal (CCT).

La solicitud también incluye mantenimiento correctivo y preventivo del sistema de portales móviles de radiación en el puerto de Balboa.

Con el servicio, que se extenderá del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre del 2018, la institución mejorará los canales de seguridad en los puertos del país para salvaguardar el comercio marítimo nacional e internacional.

Se aplicarán controles orientados a identificar y examinar contenedores de alto riesgo, detectar e interceptar el tráfico ilícito de material nuclear u otros materiales radiactivos, incluyendo intentos terroristas de interrumpir el comercio marítimo.

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Del Monte, Panama sign contract on banana production

-June 2nd, 2017
Source: ThePacker

Del Monte has entered a 20-year contract with Panama to produce bananas in the Baru district in the province of Chiriqui.

Juan Carlos Varela, the president of Panama, recently approved the deal, according to a news release May 25 from the office of the president. The initial investment by Del Monte will be $100 million.

“The area’s long history of banana cultivation and the unparalleled expertise of our production teams in Latin America gives us the confidence that this new operation will soon be an example of modern banana farming,” said Dennis Christou, vice president of marketing for Del Monte.

“The amount invested will depend on the specific on-the-ground needs for the introduction of modern banana agricultural practices necessary for the production of premium quality Del Monte bananas,” Christou said.

The business Del Monte will bring to the region is expected to create 3,000 jobs directly and more than 12,000 indirectly, according to the release. Christou said the total number of jobs created and when those will begin depends on when project reaches full production capacity.

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Panama Canal Publishes Proposal for Modifications to Tolls Structure

-June 2nd, 2017
Source: Hellenic Shipping News

Yesterday, the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) published a proposal for modifications to its current tolls structure, signaling the beginning of a 30-day formal consultation period for industry feedback, allowing the waterway to continue providing a competitive service to its customers.

During the past few months, Panama Canal Administrator Jorge L. Quijano and executives met with Canal customers and industry representatives in Europe, Asia and North America, demonstrating the Canal’s commitment to being responsive to its customers.

“These meetings with customers in Asia, Europe and North America have been extremely valuable in providing us with a deeper understanding of the industry today, the challenges faced by individual market segments, and the projected demand for the Neopanamax locks,” said Mr. Quijano.

After a thorough analysis of the feedback obtained during these meetings, and the current utilization and productivity of the Neopanamax locks, it was deemed necessary to provide additional incentives to the containership segment—the largest user of the Expanded Canal—to revise the tolls for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) vessels, and to reclassify container/breakbulk vessels.

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