New maritime technology cooperation centre opens in Panama

- March 15, 2018

Source: Ship - Technology


The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has announced the opening of the Latin America Maritime Technology Cooperation Center (MTCC-Latin America) in Panama’s Universidad Marítima Internacional de Panamá (UMIP).

The centre, which is run by IMO, is one among five such centres created as part of the GMN project, which is funded by the European Union (EU).

Other MTCCs are situated in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and the Pacific regions, while they serve as regional focal points for various activities.

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Brazilian grain producers explore increased use of Panama Canal

- March 15, 2018

Source: Reuters


Brazilian farmers in top soy state Mato Grosso signed a memorandum of understanding with the Panama Canal Authority to evaluate ways to cut transportation costs and boost Brazilian grain volumes using the waterway, the authority’s chief administrator said.

The canal’s administration is looking to increase its participation in rising Brazilian grain exports, since a large part of grain trade expansion in Brazil is via new terminals in the northern part of the country, which are closer to the canal.

“We started to exchange information, ideas, with the Aprosoja association to explore possibilities on cargoes leaving Brazil’s northern ports and using the Panama Canal to reach Asian markets,” Jorge Luis Quijano, the canal’s chief administrator, told Reuters by phone.

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Panama Won’t Set Deadline for Trade Deal with China

- March 19, 2018

Source: Latin Maerican Herald Tribune


Panama’s trade and industry minister said Friday that his country is ready to devote as much time as necessary to the process of reaching a free trade agreement with China.
“My position has always been that negotiations will take as long as they need to take for Panama to obtain the most beneficial agreement for the country,” Augusto Arosemena told reporters. “If it can be done in two rounds, it will be done in two rounds. If it takes 10, that’s fine too.”

The minister said that teams from both countries completed on Thursday a “feasibility study” of the proposed pact, concluding that such an agreement would benefit both parties.